Dnes je sobota 27. júl 2024, meniny má Božena

Detail pracovnej ponuky č.262

Stav pracovnej ponuky: Neaktívna
Pridaná: 22.9.2022 o 11:12 Skončila: 6.10.2022 o 11:12 (pred 660 dňami)

Welder – job offer in Finland
25 € / hodinu

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Stavebníctvo a reality Zvárač
Miesto práce
Fínsko Fínsko
Základná zložka hrubej mzdy 25 € / hodinu
Typ pracovnej ponuky plný úväzok
Potrebné dosiahnuté vzdelanie základné vzdelanie
Popis pracovnej ponuky Location: Harma, Finland.

Job description:
• Currently we are offering a job for experienced welder to work in Finland, Harma city;
• Welding of structures in accordance with the supplied drawings and technical documents;
• Welding to a 15mm plate from the bottom up without any support (the ability to make strong and tight welds).

• Ability to start working as soon as possible
• Similar work experience with black iron at least 1 year;
• Ability to speak English;
• Ability to work independently and quickly absorb innovation;
• Ability to independently read drawings;
• Driver's license - category B – is an advantage;
• Valid qualification certificate is a must;
• Please send CV in English!

We offer:
• Permanent job for job seeker in Finland;
• Finish work contract;
• Salary from 15 €/h (netto) (with the possibility of increasing to €27/hour. according to qualification, experience, position);
• The salary paid monthly;
• Accommodation is provided for an additional cost;
• Confidentiality is guaranteed, only selected candidates shall be informed.

To inquire or apply, please send your CV in English to info@reditus.lt or call or +370 611 45080.
When sending CV candidates agree that his/her personal information would be used and stored by the company „Reditus LT“ for the purpose of job search (more: http://www.reditus.lt/en/privacy-policy/)