Dnes je sobota 27. júl 2024, meniny má Božena

Detail pracovnej ponuky č.299

Stav pracovnej ponuky: Neaktívna
Pridaná: 13.5.2024 o 10:48 Skončila: 5.6.2024 o 10:48 (pred 51 dňami)

Elektrikár – ponuka práce v Nórsku (1793)
3 274 € / mesiac

Pridať k obľúbeným
Pridať pracovnú ponuku k obľúbeným
je možné iba po prihlásení
Elektrotechnika a energetika Elektrikár
Miesto práce
Nórsko Nórsko
Základná zložka hrubej mzdy 3 274 € / mesiac
Typ pracovnej ponuky plný úväzok
Potrebné dosiahnuté vzdelanie stredoškolské bez maturity
Popis pracovnej ponuky Location: Ålesund, Norway.

Job description:
• Currently, we are offering a job for experienced electricians to work in Ålesund, Norway;
• Installation of electrical components;
• New building, industry;
• Work in team of 6-8 electricians.

• Ability to start working as soon as possible;
• Similar work experience at least 2 years;
• DSB certificate - advantage;
• Communicative English language skills;
• Ability to read drawings;
• Own car – an advantage;
• Qualification certificates;
• Please send CV in English!

We offer:
• The permanent job for job seeker in Norway;
• Norwegian work contract;
• Salary 304 NOK/h (gross);
• Work hours: 40 h/week;
• The salary paid monthly;
• Accommodation is provided;
• Confidentiality is guaranteed, only selected candidates shall be informed.

To inquire or apply, please send your CV in English to info@reditus.lt or call +370 611 45080.